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Evaluasi Prose Pembelajaran Daring Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Angkatan 2019 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

PRASETYO, ARI (2021) Evaluasi Prose Pembelajaran Daring Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Angkatan 2019 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

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ABSTRAK EVALUASI PROSES PEMBELAJARAN DARING JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI ANGKATAN 2019 UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN Ari Prasetyo1, Panuwun Joko Nurcahyo2, Didik Rilastiyo Budi3 Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran daring adalah metode pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan media TIK sebagai penunjang proses pembelajaran. LMS (Learning Management System) merupakan salah satu model pendekatan yang bisa digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring. Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Unsoed. Menggunakan sampel 60 mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Angkatan 2019 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Analisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan berdasarkan data yang telah terkumpul. Hasil Penelitian: Keseluruhan fitur LMS dalam proses pembelajaran daring Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Angkatan 2019 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman sudah berjalan dengan baik. Fitur administrasi memperoleh nilai indeks 73,77%, fitur penyampaian bahan ajar memperoleh nilai indeks 76,72%, fitur pengujian memperoleh nilai indeks 77,22%, fitur penilaian memperoleh nilai indeks 77,16%, dan fitur komunikasi memperoleh nilai indeks 77,72%. Kesimpulan: Proses pembelajaran daring jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Angkatan 2019 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman sudah berjalan baik dengan nilai indeks 76,51%. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran Daring, Pendidikan Jasmani, LMS (Learning Management System) 1Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani FIKes Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 2Departemen Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani FIKes Universitas Jenderal Soedirman ABSTRACK ONLINE LEARNING PROCESS EVALUATION OF 2019 PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CLASS IN JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN UNIVERSITY Ari Prasetyo1, Panuwun Joko Nurcahyo2, Didik Rilastiyo Budi3 Background: online learning is a learning method that utilizing ICT media as a learning process support. LMS (Learning Management System) is one of approach that can be used in the implementation of online learning. Methodology: This research used descriptive quantitative method. It was conducted at Physical Education Department Unsoed with the sample of 60 Physical Education students batch 2019 in Jenderal Soedirman University. The technique of data analysis was conducted by describing the collected data. Results: All of the LMS features in the online learning process of 2019 Physical Education Department Class in Jenderal Soedirman University was run well. Administrative features obtained an index value of 73.77%, delivering teaching materials features obtained an index value of 76.72%, testing features obtained an index value of 77.22%, assessment features obtained an index value of 77.16%, and communication features obtained an index value of 77.72%. Conclusion: The online learning process of the 2019 Physical Education Department Class in Jenderal Soedirman University has been running well with an index value of 76.51%. Keywords: Online learning, Physical Education, LMS (Learning Management System) 1 Students of Physical Education Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University 2 Physical Education Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Nomor Inventaris: I21184
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pembelajaran Daring, Pendidikan Jasmani, LMS (Learning Management System)
Subjects: C > C716 Concept learning
M > M35 Management
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Ilmu Kesehatan > S1 Pendidikan Jasmani
Depositing User: Mr Ari Prasetyo
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2021 15:54
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2021 15:54

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